Future Fusion: The Podcast

Hello Everyone,

I recently created a podcast covering the potential benefits of fusion. I invite you to take a listen. It features two people who are on opposite ends of the argument in terms of pursuing a nuclear fusion powered future. It is less of a debate and more of a discussion almost like a Q&A. Although the people featured aren’t actually experts or anyone like that it was an interesting digital communication project where I presented both people with accurate information concerning the pros and cons of fusion and allowed them to discuss in a semi-natural way. I had originally wanted to make this completely scripted but it would be a bit unnatural and instead, I allowed each party to come up with their own conclusions with me being more of a guide that would just double check whether or not their points were fully valid or appropriate. Although the terminology and technical aspects of the discussion are a bit weak as the discussions had to go off their own recollections of knowledge I presented them, they are thorough enough to where you, the listener don’t really need to know too much about the science to understand this podcast.

Here is the Link!



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